Monday, March 28, 2011

'A prophet is never accepted in their own hometown' (Luke4:24)

Good Morning

In today's Gospel Jesus tells us that a 'Prophet is never accepted in their own hometown'. I am sure we have heard this phrase before many times, used in many different ways. But what is Jesus saying to us?

We can grow very familiar with situations, people, projects, ideas and over time, maybe unintentionally, we begin to take them for granted. We expect certain things from them, certain behaviours, certain responses because that's the way it has always been.

I remember when I first thought of speaking to somebody about my desire to discern a religious vocation, the words of this Gospel echoed in my mind. Nobody will believe you ! They will think you are mad! This made me put it off for some time... years infact!

When I finally opened up, in confidence, to somebody I couldn't have been more amazed. Yes, they were initially surprised, because I had kept this to my self and nobody suspected. But, as they listened to me, they could see that I really meant it. That I was prepared to give up what I had to respond to Christ who was asking me to come and follow Him.

In the rest of this Gospel. Jesus goes on to speak about the genuine love of God, a no strings attached love, that is always accepting of us. It can be very difficult to make the first step, with regards to talking about a religious vocation, but I would encourage you to ask the Lord for the courage to do it. Ask him also to provide you with somebody you can talk to, who will give to a chance to express how you feel... you may be surprised who he sends your way!

If you feel you would like to talk about how you can respond to God, you are most welcome to contact our Vocations Director, Br Terence, on 086 3230638 or at

Peace be with you all on this beautiful Spring day

Br Martin

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