Two came in response to our Vocations Weekend advertisement. These young men are discerning a vocation to religious life and took some time out to come and see what Capuchin life was like. We ask you to keep them in your prayers.
We were also very happy to welcome Roger, who is a Postualnt (first stage of Capuchin life) in our British Province. Roger joined in the life and prayer of our Church Street Friary over the weekend. Hailing from South Africa, Roger has lived in London and worked in Finance for the last five years before coming to the Friars. After initial contact with our Brothers across the water he made application to become a Postulant and joined the community in Erith, Kent last September.
We see him here (left of photo) enoying a fraternal moment at breakfast with Brothers Terence (Vocation Director - centre) and Bryan (Guardian of Church Street - right)
It was a great joy for us to welcome these young men to our Friary. If you would like some more information on our way of life, please do not be afraid to take the first step and contact our Vocations Director
Br. Terence Harrington OFM Cap.,Capuchin Friary,Church Street,Dublin 7.Tel: 086 3230638 we would love to hear from you.
Br Martin
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